
Verfügbare Kameras
Sensorgröße Anzahl Pixel
Canon EOS 1100Da (2 x)
22.0 mm x 14.7 mm 4272 x 2848 5.16 µm
Canon EOS 2000Da 22.3 mm x 14.1 mm 6000 x 4000
3.71 µm
ZWO ASI 178MC 7.4 mm x 5.0 mm 3096 x 2080
2.4 µm
Lacerta PlanetPro 224GC 4.8 mm x 3.6 mm 1280 x 960
3.75 µm

Deep-Sky Exposures

2 x Canon EOS 1100D (astro-modified)
Sensor size: 22.0 mm x 14.7 mm
4272 x 2848 Pixel
Pixel size: 5.16 µm
Resolution: 1.06"/pixel (Mak/Newton)
Field of view: 1° 15' 18" x 0° 50' 19"
Diagonal: 1° 30' 34"

1 x Canon EOS 2000D (astro-modified)
Sensor size: 22.3 mm x 14.9 mm
6000 x 4000 Pixel
Pixel size: 3.71 µm

Resolution: 0.77"/pixel (Maksutov-Newton)
Field of view: 1° 16' 40" x 0° 51' 13"
Diagonal: 1° 32' 12"

Resolution: 1.82"/pixel (Skywatcher Evostar 72)
Field of view: 3°02' 21" x 2° 01' 54"
Diagonal: 3° 37' 12"

Planets, Moon, Sun (Hα)

Sensor size: 7.4 mm x 5.0 mm
3096 x 2080 Pixel
Pixel size: 2.4 µm
Resolution: 0.50"/Pixel (Maksutov-Newton)
Field of view: 25' 26" x 17' 11"
Diagonal: 30' 42"

Resolution 0.33"/pixel (Skywatcher Skyliner 350P)

Field of view: 0° 16' 58" x 0° 11' 28"
Diagonal: 0° 20' 28"